I joined a facebook group called Sailing for Beginners. The title really attracted me because it's easy to feel incompetent and out of place in this world of sailing when you are just starting out. Panic docking the boat, worrying about the unknown details I wish I knew, and generally being afraid to fail.. these are my insecurities but I am determined to get through them because this is what I want. To sail, to find myself, to understand the connection with the wind and sea that I know is out there for me.
Well, as it turns out, the facebook page was created by people a lot like me, for people JUST like me. We aren't the yacht club stuffy a-holes. We are the dreamers, the adventurers, the people that say F#<k it and go for it.. incompetent or not.. we will learn+do+achieve this.
Sailing Pivo, is the work of Danielle Kerchmer & Conor Steffey and it is an honest documentation of their journey to set sail and enjoy their lives. It's not the click-bait garbage you find in some of the other channels.
Their boat is "Satori", their dog is Pivo, and their content is genuine. Their subscribers are currently at just about 700 on YouTube but the drive of these two and the adventures they are embarking on are sure to gather a crowd. As they continue to document the journey, and experience the ups and downs, the learning experiences they are sharing are ones that similarly driven people will be able to enjoy, share, and learn from.
I posted on the Sailing For Beginners Facebook page a call-out for feedback on the SailJunky site and Danielle reached out to share her thoughts and relate to our common mission of providing a safe space for those who dare, but have questions, to interact with a caring/sharing community. That led to a conversation where we decided to do a video call to discuss their journey.
Mike D. is the founder of Sail Junky Magazine. Striving to find more purpose in life, Mike writes and shares about his journey to rediscover his passion for living a fulfilled life, especially through the medium of sailing. sailjunkymagazine@gmail.com
Very interesting interview, Mike. WELL DONE. Good questions and good chemistry with people you were interviewing. Genuine.